Artist & TV
New Album out! Strolz & Razelli: „Back to Earth“
Strolz & Razelli „What Would Love Do?”
What would Love Do? [Lyrics]
There will be waves of shock and shivering.There will be floods of pain and suffering.There will be brokenness, isolation and fears.There will be anger, hate and tears. Leading from inside they say.Do it your unique, own way.With hope and confidence towards new dawn,when being in trouble focusing on: What would love do? (Sopran Bliss) There…
Strolz & Razelli „Life is a Comma“
Life is a Comma [Lyrics]
We stand at the place where the bodies burn.I’m staring, mesmerized, make a turn.Where will these invisible souls now go?I’m asking him, I want to know. They will continue in non-physical spheres,outer-temporal creatures, beyond human gears.He smiles at me, taking a stick,drawing into the sand, what gives me a click: Life, it is a comma,life,…
Zeit im Bild über Strolz & Razelli
ZIB 19.30, 21. April 2023
Strolz & Razelli: „Ich muss siegen!“
Ich muss siegen! [Lyrics]
Ich muss siegen! Ich muss siegen.Rakete muss groß sein,Hemmung klein,schnell, tödlich, brutal. Ran an den Mann,zerreiß dich in Stücke,weil ich es kann. Ich massakrier dich,du Opfer, du Nazi, du Schwein,sitz hier am langen Tisch halbe Tage allein,organisier Schmerzen, Hölle und Pein,lass Puppen tanzen und singen,Säbel rasseln und klingen,Reite Bären, Drohnen und Explosion,ich liebe das Töten…
Me Version 3.0 [Lyrics]
Watch out, we have a situation here. We’ve never spent more billions on weapons. Look inside, having situations there. It’s an all-time high of negative emotions. We’ve brought the war to inside of us. Let’s go empty now, redirect that fuss. The times are urgent. Let’s slow down. Let’s shine and humbly readjust our crown….